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International Club for the University of Bayreuth

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Regular Activities and Events

The activities and events that we organize are a special offer for the international guests and members of the University of Bayreuth. Our main aim is to support the international community of the University of Bayreuth to get to know each other as well as the social and cultural life in Bayreuth, (Upper) Franconia, Bavaria and Germany.

​Welcome PartiesHide
Buffet Welcome Party Okt. 2023

At the beginning of each semester, the (new and old) international guests and members of the University of Bayreuth have the opportunity to meet our club members and university as well as city representatives. While enjoying some snacks and having a drink, our guests are invited to have conversations and exchange experiences in a relaxed atmosphere at the Alexander von Humboldt Haus (IBZ), located at Eichendorffring 5.

Guided City ToursHide
Guided city tour in November 2023

For the newly arrived international guests or those, who would like to learn more about our city, we organize guided city tours in English to provide information on the rich history and culture of Bayreuth. Afterwards, the participants are invited to discuss their new impressions in one of our Franconian restaurants. 

Hiking ToursHide
IC Wanderung 2023

Twice a year, we invite the international community of the University of Bayreuth to join us on a hiking tour somewhere around Bayreuth. While discovering new places, enjoying the Franconian nature and doing some easy physical excercise, these hiking tours offer a great possibility for getting to know other international university guests as well as members of our club.

​Franconian / International Summer NightsHide
Fränkische Sommernacht 2023

Once a year, usually at the end of June, all international guests and members of the University of Bayreuth are invited to the biggest annual IC event: formerly the Franconian Summer Night and beginning from 2024 the International Summer Night. The parties take place at the Ecological-Botanical Garden (ÖBG), where the area behind the greenhouses turns into a cosy pop-up beer garden for one evening. While having dinner and enjoying some live music, the international community of the University of Bayreuth as well as representatives from the city and the University Bayreuth are invited to make new contacts and maybe even friends.

​Traditional St. Nicholas PartiesHide
Santa Claus 2023

Every year around the 6th of December, we celebrate a festive afternoon with treats and Christmas punch while we wait for the arrival of Saint Nicholas, who will be bringing a small surprise for every child. International guests and members of the University of Bayreuth are warmly invited to come with their children (or also alone) to the Alexander von Humboldt Haus (IBZ), located at Eichendorffring 5.

Various Other Cultural EventsHide

Visiting an art exhibition, going to a museum, discovering the outer space from the observatory - the International Club offers much more! If you do not want to miss an activity, subscribe to our mailing list by sending a request to internationaler-club@uni-bayreuth.de.

Webmaster: Mirjam Straßer

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